Probably a black-billed nightingale thrush.
On the trail to Cerro Chirripo
One bird in the bush. (A Social Flycatcher.)
Wilson Botanical Gardens
A Cherrie's tanager on the bananas.
Wilson Botanical Gardens
Silver-throated tanager eating papaya.
Wilson Botanical Gardens
The primary colors of birds.
(Blue-gray tanager, Cherrie's tanager, and green honeycreeper)
Wilson Botanical Gardens
No one gets any of *my* papaya.
(Buff-throated saltator)
Wilson Botanical Gardens
Cherrie's tanager and groupies.
Wilson Botanical Gardens
Hummingbird at dusk.
(Probably a beryl-crowned hummingbird, also known as the charming hummingbird)
Wilson Botanical Gardens
Blue-gray tanager.
Wilson Botanical Gardens
Green honeycreeper and silver-throated tanager.
Wilson Botanical Gardens
Fiery-billed aracaris in the mahogany tree.
Wilson Botanical Gardens
Fiery-billed aracari in flight.
Wilson Botanical Gardens
Crested Guan.
Wilson Botanical Gardens