Devils and Wombats and Platypuses

We had a few days to ourselves after the Bay of Fires walk, and decided to spend most of our time at animal sanctuaries that had been been recommended by guides during earlier phases of our trip.

Our base of operations was Calstock Country Guest House near the town of Deloraine in north central Tasmania. The house is an Australian heritage site, and the earliest construction dates to 1837. Ginette & Remi Bancal are gracious hosts, and Remi deserves his reputation as an outstanding chef.

Craig Williams had suggested Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary as one of the best places to see Tasmanian Devils, and we weren't disappointed. In addition to the Devils, Trowunna offers close looks at wombats, quolls, kangaroos, koalas, and a host of other critters.

Graeme Allen mentioned that the Platypus House at Beauty Point was a good place to view platypuses. Not only is that true, but the staff was exceptionally friendly and informative. Getting good photos with low natural lighting and fast-moving platypuses is a challenge, but I made a few attempts.

We also ran into Dawn, one of our fellow hikers from the Bay of Fires Walk, at Platypus House. Small world.

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2005Australia/030102 2005Australia/030103 2005Australia/030105

Front view of the main house at Calstock

Deloraine, Tasmania

So this is where last night's dessert came from

Deloraine, Tasmania

Plaque on the stables at Calstock

Deloraine, Tasmania






2005Australia/030025 2005Australia/030028 2005Australia/030032

Our room at Calstock

Deloraine (Tasmania)

Dining room at Calstock

Deloraine (Tasmania)

Tasmanian Devil in the classic pose. (This can be misleading, because the "yawn" indicates that the devil is anxious or frightened.)

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)






2005Australia/030030 2005Australia/030034 2005Australia/030055

Tasmanian Devil

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)

Sleepy devils.

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)

Tasmanian Devils like to sunbathe

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)






2005Australia/030029 2005Australia/030046 2005Australia/030038

Bill with a couple of his hand-raised Tasmanian Devils

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)

Devils competing for a chunk of wallaby

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)

Koala chewing eucalyptus leaves

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)






2005Australia/030066 2005Australia/030042 2005Australia/030050


Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)

Michelle with Watson, an orphaned wombat

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)

Forester kangaroo

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)






2005Australia/030052 2005Australia/030063 2005Australia/990001

Forester kangaroo resting at mid-day

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)

Echidna searching a log for lunch

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)

Climbing echidna

Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)






2005Australia/030064 2005Australia/030068 2005Australia/030089


Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania)

Platypus House

Platypus House (Beauty Point, Tasmania)

Platypus swimming

Platypus House (Beauty Point, Tasmania)






2005Australia/030092 2005Australia/030078 2005Australia/030080

Platypus moving just a little too fast for me

Platypus House (Beauty Point, Tasmania)

Swimming platypus seen from below

Platypus House (Beauty Point, Tasmania)

Platypus foraging

Platypus House (Beauty Point, Tasmania)






2005Australia/030096 2005Australia/030100 2005Australia/030090

Platypus underbelly. Watch out for the poisonous spurs near the legs

Platypus House (Beauty Point, Tasmania)

Michelle with a blue-tongued lizard

Platypus House (Beauty Point, Tasmania)

Michelle made me photograph this

Platypus House (Beauty Point, Tasmania)

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